Telling Our Stories to Create Change
Kidney transplant saves, prolongs and enhances life. Apart from preventing kidney failure, transplant is by far the optimal treatment for kidney patients. But many patients and their families don’t understand the benefits of transplant until it’s too late. These are our stories.

Nothing makes this point clearer than hearing from patients, donors and family members who have lived these experiences. Though sharing our experiences can sometimes be difficult, our kidney patient and donor coalition members are committed to leveraging our experiences to help improve kidney care for other patients and donors and to increase access to kidney transplant.
Our hope is that our dialysis and transplant stories will inspire patients and donors to take charge of their health care and will underscore for healthcare providers and administrators that committing to healthcare reform that makes kidney transplant the top priority is the critical first step to ensuring more patients can access transplant.
Transplant 1st Stories
As part of our Transplant 1st Campaign, several Patient Partner Coalition members have shared their stories.