We want to hear from you!
Share your story!
Do you have chronic kidney disease?
Are you on dialysis?
Have you had a kidney transplant or are you waiting for one?
Are you a kidney donor or are waiting to donate?
Do you love someone who has kidney disease?

If any of the above are true, or if you have an interest in supporting change in kidney care, you are a member of our community and we want to hear from you!
You might help someone in a similar situation as they move through the difficult process of navigating kidney disease and could help affect change in healthcare! You could help answer questions and connect with other patients, donors, and members of the public like you. Your story could help someone whether to proceed with a transplant or remain on dialysis. It could convince a person to donate their kidney to someone in need. Your story could change a life.
Share your Story!
Use the contact form below, or contact us at info@kidneyalliance.ca if you’d like to connect with one of our Alliance members.